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Little Spoon

a fresh take on mealtime

Looking to age up from baby to big-kid, direct-to-consumer kid’s food brand, Little Spoon approached SMAKK to help them design packaging for their new line of products.

Little Spoon is an award-winning, leading DTC brand on a mission to make parents’ lives easier and kids healthier with USDA organic, non-GMO baby food in six stages. We knew bringing old-school lunches and snacks up to new school standards would require making bold creative choices, using playful fonts, joyful category and product names, original illustrations and “power badges” to make every meal memorable and exciting.

SMAKK created strong, ownable category names that kids could remember–Lunchers, Veggie Loops, Dippers, and Fruit Rippers–as well as flavor names to build familiarity across the brand. We illustrated ingredient-inspired characters to further establish a system that felt young and playful for kids, with value callouts to excite their parents too.

  • brand_strategy
  • naming
  • branding_visual_identity
  • packaging_design
  • graphics_ui_toolkit
  • brand_photography_application_guidelines
  • social_media_content
  • email_marketing
  • marketing_toolkit
little spoon - branded illustrations and school backpack with supplies popping out the top against a pink background Little Spoon - grid of children eating Lunchers and food characters Little Spoon - mock up showcasing typography hierarchy Little Spoon mock up showing stickers Little Spoon - image of child eating with Little Spoon - packaging showing a meal of mac and cheese, a strawberry banana shake, lunchers, and veggie loops. Little Spoon - Dipsters packaging showing cookies with brownie batter dip and pretzels with confetti cake dip. Little Spoon - Veggie loops packaging, mac + cheese flavor chickpea based snack puffs. No egg, dairy, sesame, or nuts Little Spoon - girl holding fruit rippers and a GIF of the fruit rippers packaging opening and the fruit strips coming out. Little Spoon veggie loops coming out of their packaging and a little girl using them to make a necklace. Little Spoon - Mock up of the website on an iPad showing veggie loops and reviews from Instagram. Little Spoon - products in and out of their packaging including fruit rippers, lunchers, oat bakes, and veggie loops.
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